There are 1.55 million pigs in Ireland according to an official 2014 CSO Livestock Survey. During the pork farm tour, we can arrange for you to see how a pork industry worth €500 million to the economy operates. There are over 300 pig producers in Ireland all of who are represented by the IFA(Irish Farmer's Association) and the Pig Meat Committee.
The UK is the main receiver of our pigmeat exports with 45% of Irish pigmeat going there.
Hear from Irish farmers on your pork farm tour of Ireland on how they manage the relationship between crucial exporters and stakeholders. Approximately 60% of Irish bacon and pork products are exported. Exports continue to increase year on year. Although representing a small percentage of gross agricultural output compared to dairy and beef production, the pigmeat industry is run through a modern production system with efficiency being key. On your pork farm tour you could observe how pork farms are operated by highly skilled farmers who invest in their farms with a business mindset.
On your pork farm tour of Ireland Learn how the IFA work with Irish farmers on crucial areas such as:
Productions costs are very important if Irish pig meat is to be competitive both in the domestic market against imports and with other exporters in foreign markets. We can organise for you to meet with Irish farmers on the pork farm tour to talk about the problem they have faced from lower quality imported pig meat products branding themselves as Irish products. To overcome this issue the IFA(Irish Farmer's associaition) introduced the world's first ever pig meat DNA program called "DNA Certified". This enable consumers to be confident in the country of origin of the pigmeat and inhibits them being misguided by the labelling or packaging.
Join us on the Agri Tours pork farm of Ireland tour and you could gain important insight into how Irish farmers operate in the pigmeat industry with the food harvest 2020 strategy in mind.
Ireland is more expensive compare to other countries in Europe when it comes to feed costs. There may be an opportunity to gain insight on the pork farm tour of Ireland into what factors lead to a higher feed cost in Ireland. On Irish pork farms pig feed ingredients have to be imported. Also Ireland credit terms when purchasing feed are much longer, often up to 16 weeks of which there is a monthly interest rate. In contrast countries in mainland Europe usually pay within a week. A pig's diet in Ireland often costs more with different feeds costing anywhere between €40 to €60 more expensive.
Join us on the Agri Tours pork farm of Ireland tour and you could gain important insight into how Irish farmers operate in the pigmeat industry with the food harvest 2020 strategy in mind.
Founded in 2013 to promote Irish Pig enthusiasts and farmers in Ireland with the aim of growing new and existing Pig enterprises.
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